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What is an Industrial Floor?

Industrial floors, also known as smoothed / floated floors , are based on elaborated concrete and a surface treatment that constitutes the best technical-economic option to provide solutions to different types of clients.

  • Hypermarkets, logistics warehouses: it is a viable option since it allows great speed in its preparation. Provides for these activities great mechanical and surface resistance to high traffic .

  • In industrial plants or sectors sensitive to attack by chemical products , they allow surface coverage of epoxy-type paints , depending on the agent to be supported.

  • In mechanical workshops or auto parts industries, by means of surface treatment with the incorporation of ferrous or non-ferrous materials (quartz), surface resistance to impact due to falling objects and wear due to traffic is achieved.

  • In commercial premises, sports or exhibition areas, it allows surface treatment through the incorporation of color , achieving colorful finishes in green, yellow, red, black, white, gray according to the client's desire.

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